Diver since he was 11, diving instructor since 1999.
3 polar expedition since 2010 Deepsea Under the North Geographic Pole for 45 days. Second expedition to the east coast of Greenland with Vincent Berthet in 2012 The movie “The White Trap” retraces part of the adventure, that lasted 51 days. Third expedition in 2018, a solo Passage to Nord Ouest for 62 days and plunged alone under the Arctic ice to collect plankton to support his DNA research. On each of his expeditions, he makes a film and a book that allows you to see, learn about the environment and act to preserve it. Alban carries out scientific programs that allow to better understand the evolution of the world in extreme places. Alban carries out scientific programs that allow to better understand the evolution of the world in extreme places.
Between his expeditions, Alban organizes conferences in companies and schools to inform, and educate future generations. He has received many awards for the realization of his expeditions as well as the award Climate Change Heroes” in Singapore in 2017 Alban has released the book of his latest adventure and works on the film of his expedition that will be released on French TV in November and subsequently internationally
His next expedition with an international team of researchers, scientists, engineers, divers, a unique expedition in the world where Alban will be placed in the most extreme conditions of the planet in an underwater habitat in the Arctic and under the ice-pack. He will stay several months under the glacier to test prototypes (energy,
recycling) that will define the world of tomorrow. Submarine and external scientific studies and programs will better understand the changes in the polar world and its possible pollution in order to act at source