Russell Duke is President, Chief Executive Officer and Global Chairman of the Board of National Standard, and is a member of the company’s Management and Investment Committees. Mr. Duke also serves as Secretary General of Economic Council of Nations, a non-governmen organization that advises central banks, national treasuries, multilateral financial institutions and global economic policy makers on monetary, infrastructure, economic policy and liquidity issues. Mr. Duke engineered the vision and execution of the Duke Global Initiative policy, a comprehensive macro infrastructure and economic development plan that is being utilized in Africa, Europe, Asia and parts of Latin America as a policy framework to increase economic stimulus, refugee and migration matters, FDI and infrastructure development.
Mr. Duke has provided creative and transformative financial solutions to governments, financial markets and the infrastructure industry around the world. He brings highly skilled experience in structured finance, credit structuring, sovereign debt, infrastructure finance, political risk management/insurance and asset-based leasing. He brings almost twenty years of experience in the international finance industry and economic policy expertise to National Standard. During this time Mr. Duke has worked in more than 70 countries worldwide across all continents.
Mr. Duke is a leading authority in the areas of international Infrastructure financing, Private Capital solutions for Sovereigns and Foreign Direct Investment. He is widely recognized as an industry leader in the use of private sector capital and FDI to achieve public policy objectives related to economic development and infrastructure development by the public sector internationally across developed and emerging markets.